Increased Managability of Your Data Center



March, 2014 – In This Issue:


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Maintain availability and reduce operating costs with
these simple tools



A major trend we’re seeing in data centers, network
closets, and even single rack installations is increased management
and monitoring capability.  As the world gets increasingly more
mobile, remote access and manageability are becoming critically important.

At the same time, data center managers and IT personnel are feeling
more pressure to minimize operating costs, increase efficiency,
provide complete data security, and maintain 24/7/365
availability.  Fortunately, the industry has responded with some
innovative tools.


  • Remote Monitoring – Insight
    into the health of your data center equipment
  • NetBotz Environmental and Security
    monitoring –
    visibility into the entire IT
  • StruxureWare Data Center Expert – Comprehensive,
    vendor neutral management


Remote Monitoring from APC is
included in most Advantage Plans but only a small
percentage of customers take advantage of the peace of mind that
comes from factory personnel monitoring their data center
infrastructure 24/7.

A common reason customers give for not utilizing APC’s Remote
Monitoring Service (RMS) is they are not sure how to complete the
initial set-up.

If your equipment does not meet the requirements for APC’s Remote
Monitoring Service, there are other monitoring options
available.  For example, customers with older MGE 3 Phase UPS
equipment can learn how to configure management and monitoring of
their equipment in the article below.

Don’t have APC Equipment?

Customers with Eaton equipment can download and
install Eaton’s Intelligent Power Software Suite at
no charge.  IPM enables management and monitoring of Eaton UPS and power distribution
equipment over your network.  

Emerson also offers in-house and remote monitoring services for Liebert UPSs and power distribution
equipment.  Visit our website to learn about
management and monitoring options available from Liebert.



Visibility into the entire IT Space

Proper management of your data center or network
closet goes beyond remote monitoring for your data center
infrastructure equipment.  With NetBotz security and environmental
monitoring, you can track environmental conditions in the data center
and monitor access to your racks, servers, and other equipment.
This scalable solution is highly configurable allowing you to
purchase only what you need without a lot of extras.  Visit our website for more information
about NetBotz.

Data center managers are finding increasing value in Data Center Infrastructure
Management (DCIM) solutions where they can not only monitor the data
center, but manage their equipment remotely.  StruxureWare Data Center Expert from
Schneider Electric offers traditional management and monitoring but
also includes comprehensive reporting so you can track energy use,
plan for equipment replacement, optimize your rack space, and
more.  View more details about StruxureWare in the article below.


For more information about UPS Management and Monitoring, call


Guy Lacerte

Power Solutions, LLC

800-876-9373 ext. 702

[email protected]





Frequently, customers with older MGE 3 Phase UPS
equipment ask how to configure remote monitoring for their UPS
equipment.  We encourage our customers to take advantage of the
APC Remote Monitoring Service (RMS) that
is included in most Advantage Plans, but that can be a challenge with
some MGE UPSs.


An APC Network Management Card is required to use RMS.  However,
APC Network Management Cards are not compatible with older MGE 3
Phase UPS equipment.  The good news is, it is still possible to
monitor and manage your 3 Phase MGE UPS, it just takes some additional
configuration.  Customers that wish to set-up remote monitoring
for their MGE UPS have two options:


1 – In-House Management and Monitoring over your network


SNMP, your MGE 3Phase UPS can be connected to your network to provide
various information including event logging and notification, status
checking and remote UPS management.  Using an optional
environmental sensor, your UPS can also provide important temperature
and humidity information.


Because the MGE
network management cards are not compatible with the APC Remote
Monitoring Service, the actual monitoring and management of your
equipment will be the responsibility of your staff.  However,
connecting your MGE 3 Phase UPS to your network and configuring
in-house management and monitoring through SNMP web cards will offer
visibility into the health of your equipment, provide additional
control, and offer peace of mind that your load will stay



2 – Use StruxureWare or ISX Central to configure APC’s Remote Monitoring


that does not have an APC Network Management card, such as 3 Phase
MGE UPSs or 3rd party equipment can be monitored by APC through StruxureWare or its predecessor, ISX

MGE 3 Phase UPS equipment can connect to StruxureWare with an MGE
SNMP card.  Because StructureWare is compatible with APC Remote Monitoring, any equipment
connected to StructureWare can then be monitored by APC – including
your MGE 3 Phase UPS.


With Option 2,
you can take advantage of the APC Remote Monitoring Service included
in your Advantage Plan.  Additional
nodes of remote monitoring are available for purchase so you can
connect your entire infrastructure to APC’s RMS and enjoy the peace
of mind that comes with factory trained personnel monitoring your
data center or network closet 24/7/365.


For more information about UPS management and monitoring, visit our website,

call me 800-876-9373 ext. 702 or send me an email.




Infrastructure management from rack, to row, to room,
to building



StruxureWare Data Center Expert is easy
to use and deploy with a user-friendly interface to monitor, manage
and control the hundreds or thousands of devices a company might have
from a wide range of manufacturers. These devices include equipment
that provides power, cooling, security and environmental monitoring.


  • Multi-vendor
    – capable of monitoring any networked device from any
  • Real-time
    monitoring – user-defined reports and graphs, and instant fault
    notification and escalation enable quick resolution of critical
    infrastructure events.
  • Centralized
    repository of critical information accessible by multiple users
    from anywhere on the network.
  • Future
    Trending – bringing new insights into your infrastructure’s
    health, planning and budgeting.
  • Customized
    Alarming – alarm and escalate by device, by rack, by location to
    the right people at the right time.
  • Open
    and flexible architecture – expands with changing business needs
    through additional device licenses, add-on surveillance,
    operations, capacity and change modules.
  • Full
    software developer kit (SDK) – allows custom integration with
    other systems for maximum flexibility.

For more
information about StruxureWare Data Center Expert, visit
our website, call 800-876-9373 ext. 702
or send me an email.