Edge and Fog Computing: What you need to know
Trends in IT That are Impacting Your Business Right Now:
Edge Computing and Fog Computing
There has been a lot of recent discussion about the increased demand for storage and uptime brought about by the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data. This inundation of connected devices coupled with digitization is causing organizations to be more reliant on The Cloud than ever before.
Now, there is all this chatter about Edge Computing and Fog Computing which has many wondering what exactly do these terms mean and how do they affect those of us responsible for a reliable power infrastructure?
Some use the terms interchangeably, but there is a distinct difference between The Edge, where data is generated and collected and The Fog, where data is consolidated and computed. The back-up power requirements for each can be quite different. Click here to learn more about The Edge versus The Fog and the power infrastructure to support them.
Whether at The Edge, Fog, or in The Cloud, UPS power protection is critical to protecting the equipment that generates, computes, and stores data. As vendor-neutral specialists in power protection for critical applications, Power Solutions, LLC offers one of the widest ranges of UPS equipment available including data center, industrial, and single-phase power protection.
Rely on our engineering expertise and product knowledge to configure power protection for your servers, network and critical equipment. For more information call 800-876-9373 X711, send an email, or visit our website, www.power-solutions.com.
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