The Vertiv Liebert Outdoor Drycooler, 7-525kW, provides free-cooling and reliable heat rejection, using pumped glycol heat-transfer fluid.
Liebert Outdoor Drycooler Features
- Systems-matched outdoor drycooler
- Low profile 1- to 8-fan units are constructed with a corrosion-resistant aluminum cabinet and a copper-tube aluminum-fin coil; CSA approved
- High capacity 10-fan units are constructed with corrosion-resistant galvanized steel frames and multiple copper-tube aluminum-fin coils; UL approved
- Delivered fully wired, piped and tested
- Significant free cooling savings
- Highly durable
- Operates in low temperatures with winter operation models
- Low noise models meet strict municipal noise codes
- Connects easily, speeding installation
Outdoor Drycooler Specifications
Models | Height (in / mm) | Width (in / mm) | Depth (in / mm) | Weight (lbs / kgs) |
DDN,DDS,DDD | 37 7/8 / 962 | 51.5-171.5 / 1308-4356 | 43 9/16-87 1/8 / 1106-2213 | 355-2430 / 161-1103 |
For more information about Vertiv Liebert Cooling,
call 800-876-9373 or email [email protected].