Schneider Electric SmartShelter Container

The Schneider Electric SmartShelter Container address the challenges of deploying data centers in remote sites, industrial environments, and other locations where a dedicated building or space does not exist. Enable real-time processing and resolve latency and bandwidth issues by locating a data center closer to your operations. Benefit from the simplicity of an easy-to-deploy data center for a branch office, oil & gas site, mining operation, or forward operating military base.

SmartShelter Containers contain the entire data center physical infrastructure, completely assembled and tested in a single ISO shipping container, and provide a value option for a prefabricated data center

Schneider Electric SmartShelter Container Benefits

  • Pre-engineered and Factory Assembled – Prefabricated Modules are designed and built to precise specifications in a controlled factory environment and utilize DCIM software which results in improved reliability and a more predictably performing data center.
  • Scalable and Flexible – Prefabricated modules inherently allow for scalable growth of IT infrastructure and the flexibility to adjust the design and size of future phases of deployment. Capital investments can be deferred, improving cash flow.
  • Simple and Fast Deployment – Prefabricated Data Center Modules arrive on site ready to deploy which significantly reduces installation time and cost.
  • Struxureware Data Center Expert Preinstalled – Industry proven DCIM software provides real-time monitoring, user-defined reports and graphs, and fault notification and escalation of critical infrastructure events. Software is preinstalled, significantly reducing on- site configuration and cost.

For more information about Schneider Electric SmartShelter Container,
call 800-876-9373 or email [email protected].