Services for ABB UPS Equipment

Services for ABB UPS EquipmentServices for ABB UPS Equipment support facilities with critical power infrastructure that need to maintain a constant supply of clean and reliable power to keep business operating at all times. To help protect your entire electrical infrastructure—from the utility meter and UPS to the critical load—ABB GE Critical Power offers a comprehensive array of services that can promote continuous operation of controls and equipment during a power loss. Without an effective diagnostics and maintenance program, critical power system components (such as battery systems) are prone to failure. To avoid potential loss of revenue streams from unplanned outages, ABB designs preventive maintenance programs that can be customized to meet the specific needs of your site. The programs reduce long-term maintenance cost and capital expenditures.

Note: GE Critical Power is now part of ABB

Benefits of Services for ABB UPS Equipment 

  • Greater reliability
  • Reduced outages and risk of lost revenues
  • Lower capital expenditures and maintenance costs
  • Single point of contact for all services

For more information about Services for ABB UPS Equipment,
call 800-876-9373 or email [email protected].