1 of 3 – Tips to Reduce Downtime Caused by Human Error

April, 2014


Tip #1 Properly Train Your Staff with Advanced Operator Training

Most data center operations staff know the basics of operating and maintaining data center physical infrastructure but lack the confidence to properly identify potential problems, manage alarms, and react to uncommon events.  This limited staff knowledge presents a risk to your data center uptime.

Advanced Operator Training from Schneider Electric helps data center staff learn more about the operation of their specific data center physical infrastructure equipment.  Specially designed for the personnel directly responsible for the successful operation of your power and cooling infrastructure equipment, Advanced Operator Training includes both classroom and hands-on training sessions delivered by a certified Schneider Electric training instructor.

Advanced Operator Training includes:
System-level training – Provides an enhanced understanding of system components to increase the operational knowledge and expertise of participants.

Customer-Specific Curriculum – Increases the capabilities and comfort-level of participants by allowing them to interact with the specific types of equipment they will be managing on a day-to-day basis.

Interactive Training Session – Facilitates understanding of the operation and maintenance of infrastructure equipment through hands-on training.

Both the classroom session and the hands-on training have three major points of emphasis – safety, system overview, and system components.  The Schneider Electric trainer will illustrate electrical safety practices, demonstrate how to operate the equipment safely and properly, and highlight potential system application issues in a production environment.  The trainer will also review the information provided through the display interface and the primary areas of concern for ensuring system availability.

For more information about Advanced Operator Training, call 800-876-9373 ext. 711 or send me an email.

Coming Next Week – Tip #2 to Reduce Downtime Caused by Human Error


Molly Lacerte
Power Solutions, LLC
800-876-9373 ext. 711
[email protected]

